As a Nationally Certified School Psychologist, Pamela provides comprehensive insights into your child's learning strengths, areas for growth, and social-emotional well-being, empowering families with a clear roadmap for their educational journey.

What is a psychoeducational evaluation?

A psychoeducational evaluation is a multifaceted assessment that illuminates your child's unique learning profile and academic capabilities. As the cornerstone of understanding your child's strengths and needs, our evaluation employs a neuropsychological approach to deliver thorough, actionable insights that command respect from school systems.

A comprehensive psychoeducational evaluation typically assesses:

  • Cognitive abilities (IQ)

  • Academic achievement in areas like reading, writing, and math

  • Information processing skills

  • Attention and executive functioning

  • Memory and learning

  • Social-emotional functioning as it relates to learning

  • Language proficiency

An Evaluation...



INITIAL CONSULTATION: Understanding Your Child

We begin with a meeting between you and our board certified psychologist to discuss your concerns and review relevant history. During this session, we explain the process and how we'll present it to your child using a strengths-based perspective. For older teenagers, we include them in this discussion to ensure their engagement and understanding.


THE ASSESSMENT: Tailored Evaluations

After completing the assessment, we provide a comprehensive review of our findings and offer personalized recommendations. You'll receive a detailed "blueprint" for your child's success, which includes referrals to trusted professionals, specific goals, parenting tips, and additional support options. The report you receive is not merely informational; it's an actionable tool designed to help you access necessary services for your child.



The assessment typically involves 2-3 appointments, each lasting about 2 hours, and includes testing, observation, and age-appropriate conversations with your child. For children with attention concerns, we may conduct an anonymous classroom observation to gain a more accurate understanding of their behavior in a natural setting.



With your permission, we share relevant findings and recommendations with your child's school to ensure understanding and support. We can attend school meetings as your child's advocate, helping to secure appropriate accommodations and services. Our goal is to create a collaborative approach between home and school for your child's benefit.

The cost of a full evaluation typically ranges from $1,500-$5,000. This includes actual testing time, scoring, report writing, and follow-up or feedback sessions. An estimate will be provided following the initial assessment consultation.


Our goal is to provide comprehensive, long-term support tailored to your child's unique needs. We stand as a steadfast resource for your family, continuously adapting our approach to foster your child's growth and achievement. With our dedicated team as your partners, you can be assured of ongoing, attentive care that empowers your child to flourish.


  • A psychoeducational evaluation is a specialized assessment that focuses on understanding a child's learning processes and academic skills. While it includes most elements of a general psychological evaluation, it places particular emphasis on cognitive abilities related to learning, behavioral, and emotional functioning. This type of evaluation is especially useful for identifying learning disabilities, attention disorders, or giftedness that may impact a child's educational experience.

  • While school evaluations are valuable, our comprehensive psychoeducational assessments offer several advantages:

    1. Depth: We go beyond school-based data to provide a more thorough assessment of your child's functioning.

    2. Scope: Our evaluations cover:

    ○ Learning and problem-solving abilities

    ○ Detailed academic skills assessment

    ○ Social and emotional functioning

    3. Objectivity: We offer an independent, objective perspective to complement the school's observations.

    4. Clarity: Our results provide clear, specific answers about what's impacting your child's performance.

    5. Targeted interventions: Our comprehensive data helps guide more precise intervention plans for both school and home.

    6. Collaboration: We believe in working with school teams, using our results to explain and expand upon school-collected data. By choosing our evaluation, you're getting a more complete picture of your child's needs, which can lead to more effective support strategies in all areas of their life.

  • A psychoeducational evaluation can:

    ● Identify specific learning disabilities or attention disorders

    ● Provide a clear picture of your child's academic strengths and weaknesses

    ● Guide the development of Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) or 504 plans

    ● Recommend specific teaching strategies and accommodations

    ● Help in planning for college or career readiness

    ● Boost your child's self-understanding and confidence by explaining their learning style

  • The evaluation process usually involves:

    ● An initial parent interview (1-2 hours)

    ● Testing sessions with the child (typically 2-3 sessions, each lasting 2-3 hours)

    ● A feedback session to discuss results (1-2 hours)

    ● A meeting with your child’s school team to review the results and discuss implications for school (1-2 hours)

    The total time from the initial interview to the feedback session is usually 6 weeks, including time for report writing and analysis.

  • Our commitment to your child's progress extends well beyond the initial evaluation. We believe strongly in the importance of follow-through, which is why we maintain an active role in your child's developmental journey. After the evaluation, we continue to monitor your child's progress, maintaining open lines of communication with both parents and other providers involved in your child's care.

    Advocacy is a crucial part of our post-evaluation service. We actively advocate for your child's needs, working to ensure they receive appropriate assistance and accommodations in all relevant settings. This might involve communicating with schools, helping to implement recommended strategies, or advising on how to access additional resources.

    We also recognize that children's needs can shift as they grow and develop. To address this, we may recommend follow-up evaluations on a case-by-case basis. These subsequent assessments allow us to track your child's progress, identify any new challenges that may arise, and update our recommendations accordingly. This approach ensures that your child has the tools and support they need to succeed at every stage of their development.